Monday, 12 September 2011


Specific innovation of interest:
The specific innovation I am choosing is the use of motion control and detectors in video gaming. Motion detectors basically contain sensors which quantify motion that can be either integrated with or connected to other devices that alert the user of the presence of a moving object within the field of view. This technology is now being used for video games such as Wii and Kinect where the games can be played with actual body movements detected by these sensors.
Rational for selecting this innovation:
I believe that two different technologies (motion detectors and video game technology) have been brought together to bring about such a huge change to the gaming industry. But what made this change more attractive was the fact that its impact was so huge that it has also affected other areas outside games, such as healthcare and education. Its social, economical and technological impact has been tremendous.
Proposed approach to development of paper:
Executive summary:
A review on impact of motion sensors in gaming and its spillover effects on other areas.
Background / Introduction:
-          Background on revolutionary/disruptive innovation.
o   Characteristics and indicators that allow us to determine what a disruptive innovation is.
-          Background on video games.
o   Rough idea on how they work
o   Rough idea on progress made
o   Companies related to them
-          Background on motion sensors.
o   Explain how they work.
Historical perspective:
History of
-          Video gaming before motion sensors
-          Technology before motion sensors
Current Situation:
Changes brought about by this technology.
-          Direct impact on gaming industry for which it was meant for (e.g.: economical).
o   Positive
o   Negative
-          Impact on other industries.
o   Positive
o   Negative
Future considerations:
New ways of gaming through cloud gaming platform


  1. Your outline is very clear and detailed.Don't need to change or add in anything I think.


  2. I really find this topic interesting! Do keep in mind to keep the history and introduction short and focus more on the application aspects. I think the bulk of your report could actually discuss how the technology will bring forth new meaning to the gaming experience. Examples will surely help so consider doing one or two "case study" like write up in the report.

    Do try to balance out the amount you write on motion sensors in the gaming industry and also how it's spilling over. It's quite easy to over-do one of the two and then not have much wordcount left to cover the second main topic.

    Looking forward to reading the draft!

    - Gideon

  3. hey!

    I am a big fan of Wii and Kinect! So really looking forward to your draft!

    Your focus of the report seems to be on the various impacts, be it social or economical. However, make youe creative juices flow and see how more gaming techniques could be innovative in the future and maybe have examples of your imagination! just to spice up your report! Of course, you could use the impacts on the specified fields, to make your ideas more realistic! You have the content down and you could go a long way!

    All the best!
